Anja Jerčič Jakob

Paintings ( At the Sava river) 2018 – 2020

Doc. mag. ANJA JERČIČ JAKOB, akad. slik. / MA, Assistant Professor

  • AT THE SAVA RIVER I, 2018, egg tempera and oil on canvas, 70 x 195 cm

  • AT THE SAVA RIVER II, 2019, egg tempera and oil on canvas, 160 X 300 cm

  • AT THE SAVA RIVER III, 2019, tempera and oil on canvas, 130 x 195 cm

  • AT THE SAVA RIVER IV, 2019, egg tempera and oil on canvas, 100 x 160 cm

  • AT THE SAVA RIVER V, 2020, egg tempera and oil on canvas, 135 x 220 cm
